What attracts you to using tanning products ?

Statement ?

In today’s society we as individuals conform to beliefs and norms of which we and others find appealing. As a young teenage girl, I know the idea of having tanned skin is what I base my morning routine around, I may not have time for breakfast but I find time for the important things like making sure I have a nice natural looking tan. Pretty sad I must admit. However I know for a fact I’m not the only girl, women, boy or man that is preoccupied with their appearance. We of today’s capitalist society are guilty of being a self-conscious culture.
But why ?
The following quotes are from people i know have used tanning products before, but why dont you have your say ? On the home page, you can have your chance to comment and express your ideas about tanning.

How do you feel about tanning products and why ?
How do you feel about the opposite sex using tanning products ?

"I dont like them, as i have used them before and they were unsuccessful, i prefer to tan naturally. I would go out with a guy that was more tanned then me as long as it didnt look bad." Angela Micheal 17

"I wouldnt use fake tan as it goes streaky and doesnt look natural, you can tell its out of a bottle.I do use sunbeds sometimes as they look more even, thats only when i really need to,which is genreally when it starts getting sunny."

"Im attracted to girls with a tan, Pale girls arent attractive." Jack 19

"Orange girls arent attractive at all, Girls with a nice natural tan look good and so do pale girls, as a boy i clearly dont understand why girls tan or change their skin tone. Just be natural" Tony 18

" I love being tanned,I feel sexy and it makes me feel confident." Lauren 18

"I always have plenty of bottles of tan in my room, i know il always need it, i use tanning products because you feel so much better with a tan, being pale is not a good look.My boyfriend prefers when I’m not too pale. " Grace 17

"I hate fake tan on both girls and boys, it looks horrible, i dont understand why anyone uses sunbeds when they are aware of the dangers of them and when they take so long to actually give you a tan. All tanning products is a waste of money. im not a fan." Matthew 19

"I like it when my girlfriend wears fake tan but when its streaky i feel silly walking next to her, id never hurt her feelings but i prefer her natural skin colour"

"Both my daughters wear fake tan and i absolutely hate it, it always comes off on their clothes and bedding and it smells horrible.I know they like wearing it so i let them but if it looks streaky it comes straight back off and they go out with no tan on. I grew up showing everyone my natural skin tone, i wore make up but fake tan was a big no no. Now-days the media has made fake tanning bussinesses successful." Karen 40

"My boyfriend hates fake tan, he hates me wasting money on fake tan but i love wearing it, i dont care what anyone says.I like it and thats me, why should i not wear fake tan just beacuse someone doesnt like how i look.Tough i say, im independent." Jess 17