What attracts you to using tanning products ?

Friday, 8 April 2011

Tanned skin is today's modern symbol of affluence. Years ago, pale skin signified wealth, as wealthy people would not get dark skin from working out in the fields like poor people. Nowadays, tanned skin means you can afford vacations to tropical climates, and pale skin supposedly means you slave a way in a factory or office cubicle. So, tanned skin is the new rich symbol. However the small minority of middle and high class women see tanning as a ‘cheap’ thing to do. Coming from different backgrounds means different beliefs and norms. What is deviance to some is an everyday casual thing. High class and some middle class citizens see tanning procedures as deviant behavior. Deviance is an action that doesn’t break laws but isn’t seen as acceptable or ideal behavior. Whereas for the majority of working and middle classes there is anything wrong with the procedures of tanning and in fact see it all as a positive of having the ability and money to do these things, from visiting hot climates sunbathing all day to popping to Tesco to buy a bottle of fake bake.

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